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3 BOOK REVIEWS -> Author Kristen Ashley

Updated: Jan 25, 2019

This review includes The Magdalene Series: The Will, Soaring & The Time in Between

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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 (The Magdalene Series Book #1)

Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant. While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love. But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it. Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth.

Review: This book has everything. The tall, handsome ex-boxer who owns not only a boxing facility for youths but a strip club as well. I will start with Josie first, she is a interesting character. When i say interesting i mean it in a good way. Josie comes off as very proper, to the dot. She spend all her life traveling for work and not really thinking about having a husband and family. She also was oblivious to her boss being in love with her for years. Jake, now Jake is the alpha of them all. He is a sexy as sin father who had his share of woman (whom he had kids with) but also has a dark past that becomes a huge problem. This book is very alpha for sure. The heroin is not weak, but lonely. That's the best way i can describe it. If you want to read this book be prepared for a few shockers, the sex scenes are thrilling and the ending is not what you would expect. ( )

"At last," Ms. Beginski carried on. "My most precious possession the thing I treasure above anything else in this world, that being my granddaughter, Josephine Diana Malone, I hereby bequeath to James Markham Spear." - Lydia Josephine Malone's Will


𝕊𝕠𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 - (The Magdalene Series Book #2)

American heiress Amelia Hathaway needs to start anew. Her husband cheated on her, and when everything she wanted in life slipped through her fingers, she fell apart. When she did, she took another heart wrenching hit as she lost the respect of her children. When her ex took her family from California to live in the small town of Magdalene in Maine, Amelia decided it was time to sort herself out. In order to do that and win her children back, she moves to Cliff Blue, an architectural masterpiece on the rocky coast of Magdalene. Her boxes aren’t even unpacked when she meets Mickey Donovan, a man who lives across the street, a man so beautiful Amelia takes one look at Mickey and knows she wants everything from him. The problem is, she finds out swiftly that he’s friendly, he’s kind, but he doesn’t want everything back. Amelia struggles to right past wrongs in her life at the same time find out who she wants to be. She also struggles with her attraction to the handsome firefighter who lives across the street. But Amelia will face a surprise when her friendly neighbor becomes not-so-friendly. As Amelia and Mickey go head to head, Amelia must focus on winning back the hearts of her children. She soon discovers she also must focus on winning the heart of a handsome firefighter who understands down to his soul the beautiful heiress who lives across the street is used to a life he cannot provide.

-THIS IS MY FAVORITE OF THE SERIES!! Mickey Donovan couldn't be any more sexy! This book has so much. Very different from the first book! Amelia is pretty much me in another lifetime. She is shy but brave, confused but gorgeous, she pretty much in this is the worst scenario from a nasty divorce. After Amelia does something horrible when it came to her divorce from years of marriage to a husband who not only is a scumbag but finds out that he cheated numerous time with numerous woman through out the years. Guess that's what happens when you marry a wealthy doctor. Amelia & Mickey are explosive. They both have children and a past that isn't pretty. Donovan struggles in this book the most. If you read this be prepared to go on a roller coaster ride that is the fun kind. Lot's of explosive scenes, different than the first book sex scenes tat will leave you wanting a Mickey for yourself and the kind of love a father should give. It's a beautiful story really 5/5 for this book from me!

Here is one of my favorite scenes in the book:

"Perhaps i made that comment since you spend a lot of time doing a lot of other things and all those other things don't really involve me," I retorted.

His expression again changed to disbelieving with a hint of repulsion. "So you're havin' a shit fit because you want your piece of me."

"No Mickey Donovan," I snapped. "I'm having a shit fit because i want you to give some indication you want your piece of me."

"You know i do Amy."

"Really? I'm sorry, that escaped me."

"Got shit on, a lot of it, and you know it."

"You're right. I do. And i understand that. And i wouldn't have a problem with it. One date we've had, I am aware that doesn't shoot me up to the top of your priority list. But I'd like some indication I've actually been scratched on it."

His face started to go hard again when he stated, "The shit in my life, I bring a woman into it, I need some understanding."

"And you'd have that," I returned. "If i knew what i was understanding."

"And you'd know that," he fired back. "If you'd fuckin' asked." "Fine," I bit off, throwing out my hands. "Consider this my formal request."

His eyes flashed. "Jesus, you're a serious fuckin' smartass."

I lifted my brows. "Shall i take that as you declining my request?"

"Yeah, babe," he clipped while on the move toward me. "That request is declined until i can cool off and speak to you without doin' that at the same time i wanna spank your ass."

I didn't have the chance to make a dramatic gesture by opening the door for him, considering he was moving so quickly he got there before me, but i did manage to get in my final shot.

"That effort would be appreciated, Mickey."

I got that off, aimed at his back, right before he slammed the door behind him.

I glare at it.

Then i leaped to it and locked it.

That done, as Billie Holiday serenaded me, i stomped back to my kitchen, tossed down my phone, trying to convince myself not to pick up up and throw it across the room.

Billie barely got in there before i heard banging at my door again.

My eyes shot there and i saw Mickey framed in the glass.

"This man," I groused as i stomped back to the door, unlock it and threw it open, looking up to him and on a near-yell demanding, "Do not bang on my--!"

I didnt get it out because MIckey was kissing me. A hard, invasive, shut-up kiss that he delivered at the same time shuffling me in and closing the door with his boot.

I put my hands to his chest, pushed free and snapped, "I cannot believe--"

i didn't finish that either because Mickey's hand darted out, catching me at the back of my neck. He yanked forward and slammed against his body right before his mouth again slammed down on mine.

I pushed back at my neck while lifting my hands to press against his chest. But he caught one writs then swept it across an caught the other one, holding both tight in one hand between us.

This meant the only thing i could do was twist my mouth from his and order loudly, "Take your hands off me!"

He did.

I took a furious step back.

He took a furious step into me, lowering his torso and catching me in the belly with a shoulder.

Then i was up and he was stalking across the landing, taking me with him.

"Mickey!" i shouted.

He didn't reply.

I was so angry i decided a fall from his shoulder was unlikely to kill me so i rotated my body to twist away.

Being the trained firefighter he was, he simply adjusted his hold to keep me where i was and kept stalking.

Down the hall.

To my bedroom!

"Put me down, Mickey Donovan!" I shrieked.

He did as i asked but only after planting a knee in my bed and tossing me off his shoulder onto my duvet.

My breath swept out of me as he instantly gave me his weight.

I stared into his irate, very heated, amazingly beautiful blue eyes and it struck me immediately that i'd made them that way.


"Mickey," I whispered.


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 - (The Magdalene Series Book #3)

After a painful loss, Cady Moreland is coming to Magdalene to start the next chapter of her life. A chapter that began eighteen years ago but had a heartbreaking ending. The time in between was full of family and friendship, but Cady could never get the man she fell in love with all those years ago out of her heart. Coert Yeager has learned to live without the girl who entered his life right when she shouldn’t and exited delivering a crippling blow he never would have suspected. The time in between was full of failing to find what he was missing…and life-altering betrayal. But when that girl shows up in Magdalene and buys the town’s beloved lighthouse, even if Coert wants to avoid her, he can’t. A fire in town sparks a different kind of flame that won’t be ignored. As Cady and Coert question the actions of the two young adults they once were thrown into earth-shattering circumstances, can they learn from what came in between and find each other again?

Review: This book is a bit more detailed. Detailed as in the things that are going on in the story require a lot of explanation. The detail is very well written but there is a lot, so beware. This is a tragic love story that involves a man in uniform who is as sexy as can be. I don't want to spoiler alert you too much but Cady sacrifices everything for love. Sadly it was wronged but neither of them see's what's coming when the truth comes out. There is a explosive scene in there that will bringing you to the brings of tears. It's just a tragic but sweet story and the characters, all of them are very well written.

"Promise, Cady," he continued whispering. "Stick with me, no matter what." There was no other answer to give him than the one i gave.
"I promise, Tony."


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