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BOOK REVIEW -> That Was Yesterday by H.J. Bellus


One call. That’s all it took to change everything. The sweet voice on the other end of the line delivered a blow I never saw coming. Fighting for our country’s freedom and staring death in the eye was nothing compared to this news.

History has one hell of a way repeating itself. Kate Wilson’s voice didn’t waver once as she turned my worst nightmare into a reality, and her words weaved a cruel poetic justice.

I hadn’t been back home in over two years. Once I pulled into the one-horse town, I was greeted by the gorgeous blonde.

Kate extended her hand and offered me a warm smile. The connection was made. The innocent beauty has no idea that she just flipped my life upside down.

She’d unearthed secrets that can never be buried.

"I'd give her anything because she just gave me the world and doesn't even know it." -Max




First I want to say that I have read numerous other books by this author, so going in I had a safe idea of what I would be getting into. Boy was I wrong IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, this story AAAHHH MY HEART! I wanted to reach through the book and, something!

How life can be cruel.

ALSO, just to say that this COVER is very matching to the story line. Absolutely fitting!

Max had a rough childhood, I mean rough to a point I had to put the book down for a moment to compose myself of not wanting to commit murder on a non fictional character! When the world was the cruelest to Max. his hope, intelligence and will never faltered. When Max gets saved by two of the most generous human beings, things look up until he finds out the sour truth about his girlfriend, the girl he would have lid his life down for.

After six years away, Max received that ONE PHONE CALL that changes his entire life in a second. Never in a million years would he have though he'd see a glimpse of his past.

Kate, bless her heart. The kindest, most gentle soul that has the best kind of sass and strength to her. Being in the profession she is in, i guess you have to be a bit sassy and a lot strong. When pushed, Kate realizes that she is not ale to control her own fears.

How life can be so, so cruel!

After, i AGAIN had to leave the book for a moment before i busted into tears, regaining it back, I have to say that I couldn't put this story down. Another successful read for me. The characters were soft yet relatable, the story line was strong, lots of suspense and action. I do wish there was a bit more pursuing at the beginning, but after reading the whole book, i realized that the amount given, was just enough.

Didn't expect anything less from H.J. Bellus, fantastic book, it was an honor to have gotten the ARC and able to read it before hand! FIVE STAR - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


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