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BOOK REVIEW -> Pieces Of Us by A.L. Jackson


COMING: 4.22.2016


Maxon Chambers has a way of stealing all the attention. All my affection, and all my dreams. What I needed to remember was he’d stolen my good judgment and my virginity, too.

When he broke up with me, I ran across the country and swore I’d never return to Broadshire Rim. But here I am, thirteen years later.

Maxon is all grown up. Sexier than sin and more tempting than ever. A detective on the Charleston force, he lives on the outside of safety, devoted to protecting the people of his city. But with the way he’s looking at me now? I’m pretty sure what needs protecting is my heart.

Can we mend the pieces of us? Or will he leave my heart shattered forever . . .

"He hurt me in a way no one has ever hurt me before. In a way that no one else ever could." -Izzy


Undress her fast and kiss her slow. Hold her and fuck her and love her and keep her.





I am a HUGE DIE HARD fan of A.L. Jackson & her books. Believe it or not but she was a NEW TO BE author a little while ago & I read one book & BAM i read them all!! Therefore so happy to be able to read this master-piece before hand!! Now, this book is #3 and I have read the previous two of course. This is the story of Maxon & Isabel!

Even from the beginning I went from smiles and laughter at a situation to OH MY HEART! The tension, the words...beautiful but broken. The take-back's through out the story are also heartbreaking but in a beautiful way, more beautiful between the lines kind of way. I was blown back by how much emotion this brought out in me, I was glued to each page, each sentence. I can't express enough how much A.L. Jackson kind of does that to you, her writing style and words will mesmerize you.

Maxon is a broken soul, from the very beginning. With what he had gone through his childhood well into teenage years, it's no surprise. He now is a tall, strong and sexy man, filled out, gorgeous, a police officer for goodness sake..but still broken. The worst part is that Izzy though her love would be enough back then, what makes her believe that it would ever help out now, as adults.

Every single character in this (not just the previous book ones) are unique and to each it's own. I love Izzy's parents (her mom is the kind of mom you'd want) the predicament and situations in this are a slow burn, pulling at heart strings moments. It was like riding a roller coaster of emotion, just when you think I'M OKAY I'M OKAY nope, you're not. My love for this story and characters especially Izzy is enormous. The secrets, the nerve wrecking scenes...GAH! I don't want to give out too much BUT you will not see it coming, I'm telling you when it hits you, worse than a sledgehammer. Anguish, passion, heartbreak & conquer!

I am rating this a 10 PLUS & HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! On my TOP 20119 MUST READ list & a TOP FAVORITE 2019 READ!

H A P P Y - R E A D I N G





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