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BOOK DOUBLE-REVIEW --> Let's Get Textual by Teagan Hunter

"Come on, Delia. Let's get textual." -Zach
"You make a fair point, but one of these days, Delia, I'm going to kiss the hell out of you." -Zach


A wrong number is supposed to be just that—a wrong number.

Delete. Done.

Do not continue to text. Do not flirt.

A wrong number shouldn’t be the first person on your mind in the morning, or the last at night…and you’re definitely not supposed to talk them into buying a baby goat.

Because that would be weird.

When Zach Hastings and I get into a wrong-number mix-up, we don’t follow the rules. We keep texting and flirting, because he’s wicked funny and perfectly nerdy and a wonderful distraction.

I’m not looking for love, and Zach definitely had the wrong number.

But maybe…

Maybe he’s the right guy.


I not and push the door open.

He saunters inside, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him so fast i can barely get the door closed. Before i know it, he has me on the bed, hovering over me with a grin matched only by Casanova himself.

"I'm not here for sex, Delia, just so we're clear, but i would like to sleep next to you tonight, if that's okay. We can snuggle." His dimple appears. "Naked."


Text Message:

Me: I knitted you a damn PENIS POTHOLDER. Least you could do to repay me for my kindness is to buy ,e a baby goat. Don't be a jerk, Zach. No one likes those.


Text Messages

Me: I'm here. Where are you?

Zach: I'm here. Come over to my car.

Me: This sounds like the beginning of a slasher film. Do you have any candy?

Zach: Just bring your cute ass over here, Delia.

Me: Roger that! On my way, sir!



Dear Zach,

I've run away. I'm off to live with She Who

Has A Great Ass. Good luck getting me back.


1/3 of the S'mores brothers


Double Review

- I couldn't believe how much i enjoyed and loved reading about text messages. This was a beautiful story about a mistake that turned into something more beautiful than ever. Zach and Delia may not have met in the traditional sense and way, but they sure ended up in the most romantic way possible. If you're looking to have the most fun reading about a ubber-mega sex and alpha NERD and a quirky-sassy girl next door, this is your book. There is so much laughter, passion, love and goats in this book. YES GOATS! Must read to find out...well worth it and a beautiful love story that will have you wooed.

- Let's Get Textual had me laughing the whole way through. Who know could responding to a text from a wrong number could lead to love and a goat. Zach is seriously book boyfriend goals. He's a nerd, he's hot, he's funny and who can resist a man who takes selfies with a goat?! Delia and Zach's texting banter was priceless and their chemistry was sizzling. I loved everything about this story! Now, where can i get a goat family?






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