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BOOK REVIEW -> Always & Only by Gabrielle G.


N O W - A V A I L A B L E


Julie Legg thought she would marry hot country singer Paul Hoffman until every news outlet in the country reported on his numerous infidelities. In the span of a few weeks, she became the center of the latest scandal. As she tries to pick up the pieces of her heart and lick her wounds, she meets Ian Porter, newest sexiest man alive, Golden Globe and Emmy Award winning actor, and perfect guy with a knight in a shining armor syndrome. Loving him should be easy—except Julie is confused by her feelings for her best friend, Ryan Marley, Oscar-worthy actor, who needs her in his spiraling downfall.

Julie: He’s the newest Sexiest Man Alive. I’m the most cheated-on woman in Hollywood, and my life is a PR nightmare. It can’t work.

Ian: All I want is a chance to show her that I am what she needs. I’ve waited for years, and I won’t give up, even if it means being tangled in all her drama. Some women are worth the wait.

This book contains explicit mature content and language and is intended for adults ages 18+.

Warning: The perfect guy comes with a pinch of kink, and the heroine could be seen as difficult and lost. Swearing is a must and being a mess is a prerogative — midlife crisis in progress.

Dating Ian Porter should be on the list of the fifty things you should do before you die. -Julie


This is my first read by this wonderful human being/author! I have been catching up with March still & finally had the chance to devour this book! Let's just say that I was full after eating this book up!!

Ian & Julie are well developed characters already! A something I really enjoy and love reading (aside from most of the books out now being in the 20's and early 30's) this was refreshing! Their chemistry was off the charts. Ian is the swoon worthy type and your knight in shinning armor that will come save you in the end of the day! I LOVED that about him, he was so much everything, the feelings, the actions...basically a perfect #bookboyfriend!

Now let's talk about Julie because I have a little to say about her. Despite knowing the situation she was in, going through and everything else SHE DROVE ME NUTS! It was a love/hate relationship with me and her because at one point it was fine, she was not indecisive, then BOOM change hehe drove me a little nuts but after reading the whole story it made a lot more sense. So, definitely keep through and give her a fighting chance.

All in all, I enjoyed the story line, the characters, and dare i say, the oh so sexy SEXY TIMES! I am glad I read this & gave it a 100% chance, well worth it! Will be a ongoing fan of Gabrielle!

I am rating this a 5 & RECOMMEND IT!

H A P P Y - R E A D I N G



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