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BOOK REVIEW - Nice and Easy by Erin Nicholas


N O W - A V A I L A B L E

A hot firefighter who just wants to take care of her and her little boy? Sign her up.

Moving in with him and his little girl who already has a huge chunk of her heart? Very nice.

Roommates with benefits? Yes, please.

Convincing this take-charge alpha to let her take care of him too? That’s not going to be as easy.

Check out Chapter One right now!



Well HELLO SEXY BOOK! This is my first read by this author & I gotta say that even though I had mixed emotions on this book,

I would read another by this author.

I first have to say that I have a really hard time reading heroines that are younger.

That said, what i mean is the maturity level, SO...this started off promising for me

then took a little turn where I got a little unsure about the heroine. I was very sure

I at first HATED HATED HATED the hero because "AMY" and you'll see when you read. I wanted

to reach in and smack him SO HARD! ugh so hard! BUT, when this sexy firefighter lieutenant GETS A CLUE he is

all DOMINANT and sexy as heck! Sexy in a factor that his alpha came out & boy was I glad it did.

I really enjoyed the story line, the writing was AMAZING because even though I did not really

enjoy the heroine, I liked the way the writing flowed. Needles to say, I would definitely read another

book by this author.

I am rating this a 4 & would recommend it!

H A P P Y - R E A D I N G


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